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Health Alliance Medical Group
Thank you for considering Health Alliance Medical Group for your primary care needs. Since 1990, we have been proudly serving the Greater Los Angeles area with a team of board certified physicians and associates. We offer thorough and comprehensive healthcare services for patients ages 18 and up in both English and Chinese. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
感謝您考慮選擇 Health Alliance Medical Group 來滿足您的初級保健需求。自 1990 年以來,我們一直自豪地為大洛杉磯地區提供服務,並擁有一支由委員會認證的醫生和助理組成的團隊。我們為 18 歲及以上的患者提供全面且全面的英語和中文醫療服務。立即聯絡我們安排預約。
感谢您考虑选择 Health Alliance Medical Group 来满足您的初级保健需求。自 1990 年以来,我们一直自豪地为大洛杉矶地区提供服务,拥有一支由委员会认证的医生和助理组成的团队。我们为 18 岁及以上的患者提供全面而全面的英语和中文医疗服务。立即联系我们安排预约。
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